The Sh*t They Don’t Tell You About {SpEd} Teacher Interviews.

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**This post is adapted from my original**

While I doing some research to help one of my former Paraeducators prepare for her first teacher interview, I realized that while there are lots of articles and blog posts about Teacher Interviews, they seem to fall short in material for Sp-Ed teachers!  So not its time for: The Shit They Don’t Tell You About: SpEd Teacher Interviews!  Here are a few tips for your Job Hunt and Interview, with an appropriate amount of realness and humor, mainly geared towards SpEd Teachers.  But these tips will work well for any teacher or para position as well!

Since High School, I have held 3 para jobs and 4 different teaching jobs due to many moves, and I have been on interview panels for both teachers at my site, as well as para-educators in my classroom.  And while I do not hold an admin credential or HR certificate (I’m sure my HR Manager Sister will correct me if I am wrong on any points here), I feel pretty confident that these tips could help you out in your job hunt.   If you think of any more, feel free to add them in the comments!

  1. Tailor (AND PROOFREAD) your Resume and Application
    OK, so this one is more before the interview, but it is so important!  I get snapchats from my sister almost daily with Candidates making huge spelling mistakes or gaps in their application.  Even if you are using an online job hunting tool (like Edjoin) to complete your application, make sure that the Resume is proofread by a friend or parent, is in an openable and readable format (export to PDF ya’ll!) and that all of the items they ask for, such as credential copies, degrees, or transcripts, are attached.  Feel free to TAILOR your Cover Letter to your potential employer.  It may take a little extra time but trust me, they can tell! And that extra effort is worth it to them. (Bring a copy with you, most employers will already have one, but it’s good to have just in case!)
  2. Do Your Research
    Nothing says inexperience more than showing up to an interview with NO IDEA what the job or school is all about.  You don’t need to know the backstories of all of your interview panel but please at least read the Job Description. Ask clarifying questions to show that you are serious about the Job’s demands (For example: “I read that this job requires Case Management of my students, what supports are available to assist in case managing?”). It will also help if you know what the grade level or support level the job is asking for so you can help tailor your responses. If the school is proud of their new technology or a championship team, it will look good on your end to bring those things up in conversations.
  3. Look the Part
    Regardless of the dress code at your potential job, my motto is always to “Dress for the job you want (IN 20 YEARS)!” I might want a teaching job today, but who knows, in 20 years I may want to be Superintendent! So it does not matter if your potential school lets you wear jeans or sandals, please don’t wear them to your interview.  Yes, even your nice ones.  Leggings are out as well, even if like me, you live in them.  Dress Slacks or Skirt, Conservative Top or Decent Dress. Hair Groomed (Men, you too!). No cleavage or boxers showing.  You don’t have to wear a face full of makeup but maybe a little mascara and CC Cream to cover those under eye bags? (I know I’d look a bit Zombie-like without my concealer and that doesn’t exactly scream professional teacher).   Does this sound sexist? Too Conservative? Etc? I’m sure you’re sitting there saying, “Umm excuse me this is 2018 I don’t need to conform to those rules”  True.  You don’t have too.
    But guys, this is real life here, and chances are your interviewers are either from a generation that expects this level of professionalism, or respects the position and will not place someone in it who does not respect it as well.  You could be teaching in the Hippy-est part of the country, but with all experience being the same, an interview team will hire someone that respects themselves and their future position enough to present themselves well over someone who does not.  They also know that your future students Parents want to see a teacher that cares about presentation while they are molding future minds.  Annoying, maybe.  But true nonetheless.
  4. Prepare for the Questions!
    Ah Yes, the dreaded question portion, AKA the 10 minutes of your life that they get to judge you relentlessly based on every little word you say.  That’s why my mantra is LESS is MORE!  “But Samantha, I want to let them know that I know EVERYTHING I need to know to be a great teacher!”  I get it.  I was there.  I wanted them to know that I knew all about Curriculum and TEACCH and Behavior Management and ABA and PECs and RTI and ASJDSDJG….. You see how it just turns into Word Vomit at some point? You want the interview team to remember the good points of what you say, and they can’t do that if they are busy trying to jot down and remember ALL of what you said.  The likelihood that you will be word vomiting after 2 minutes of an answer is very high.  Try to keep your answers short and concise.  If it is a two part question, try to answer both parts in order and reference the question in your answer.
    It does help to know your stuff in regards to your potential new position! If they run off of an ABA model, research all you can about it and come prepared.  If you know they use a certain curriculum, it will give you bonus points if you show you know how to lesson plan or administer it.
  5. Paras….
    A basic rule of thumb about questions dealing with paras is, always defer to your district!  It may not seem like it, but they do not want to hear how you will come in and change how everything about your classroom and any instructional aides is handled, even if you only have the best intentions.  The chances are, your paraeducators (IA’s, aides, etc) have been there longer than you, they know the students and district better, and they are used to certain routines.  The admin knows that some Paraeducators are resistant to major changes. Saying that you will come in “Dictator-Like” and change things can be a red flag for districts with Older and experienced paraeducators because they know that there will be personnel trouble later on.  Some key phrases to remember when answering about paraeducators or staff management: “I am open to suggestions,” “I respect their experience and knowledge regarding the current students”  “I am looking forward to collaborating”.  Also know that no two districts are alike. Just because you may be the direct supervisor of your paras in one district, the principal or special education coordinator might be the supervisor in the new position. It is good to ask about your role!
  6. And Parents…
    Different districts have different policies about parent communication.  If you are in a high litigation district, they may request that you keep copies of parent communication. Other districts let you text with your parents and students casually.  Again, it is always good to ask before you answer a question with limited knowledge!
  7. Ask the Questions! 
    There are a few key questions I always like to add at the end of my interviews besides if I have any real questions about the position.  One is “Do you have any questions or concerns about anything on my resume?” Some interviewers are restricted to only ask certain questions of candidates. Asking this at the end allows them to ask you about anything they may question after the interview in your resume such as gaps in your experience.
    I also like to ask about administrative support, assessment teams, and any extra responsibilities that I may have to take on in this role.

Well I hope that this helps any future teachers! I know that I didn’t get into the nitty-gritty of the different questions you may be asked. But this post was already getting pretty long and honestly I don’t think that it would even be the same for two seperate districts.  You have experience, and you know what you know. Be confident but also ready and open to learning new things!

Good Luck!


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