50 Things to Do Instead of Prepping on Sunday!

Okay- I will be the first here to admit that I kind of like prep work- especially in special education where a lot of that is figuring out puzzles, visuals, cutting, glue, and Velcro. It can be therapeutic!

But I am NOT a fan of the way the teacher community often glorifies working on evenings and weekends! I recently came across the hashtag #SpEdPrepSunday on instagram.  My first thought was, “Cute, that is a cool project they are working on”.
My next thought was “Oh Crap, should I be working on that too? Does that make me a bad teacher? What cute Pinterest project could I be doing for my kids?” (Hello Teacher Guilt!)

But after my manic brain calmed down, all I could think was “But why the heck are they doing this on a perfectly good Sunday?!”  I don’t know about you guys, I do not get to turn in a Time-Sheet with the 4 extra hours I worked Sunday evening putting together crafts for this week or cutting out endless icons for our new Unit.  I do not get paid enough as it is and I certainly don’t get paid enough to be working for free on the weekends (let alone that I have to buy my own Ink, Velcro and Laminate most of the time).

The sad truth is that most teachers do not get a DIME more or less whether they work their butts off all weekend or sit on their butts eating Ice-Cream and Netflix binging.

Yes- I know. We do it because we love our jobs, our students, and there are never enough extra hours in our workday.  Believe me, I am super guilty of this as well.  But lets stop glorifying the extra work.  It should be the exception, not the rule.  You work hard enough as it is.  You are a champion for your students! You help with toiletting and feeding kiddos while also managing their legal paperwork AND you TEACH them academics! That’s a lot. So this weekend I challenge you to do NO PREP WORK! *gasp*

It took getting married (even then I have had hubby do his fair share of cutting and gluing on Sunday Nights, sorry boo) and having a baby to realize that while I love my job and my students with all of my heart, they are NOT my whole life.

So again, this weekend I challenge you to forgo the #spedprepsunday and make it a #SelfLoveSunday. Show your body, your mind, your family, your pets, whatever! Some love by doing one these things (or two, or seven, or fifty, it’s up to you)! Spread the love and share with an overworked and underpaid Teacher Friend!


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